Wedding Photography

How to remove unwanted object from you wedding photo?

What is Wedding Photography?

The art of wedding photography involves capturing the most special moments at a wedding. Photographers who specialize in wedding photography use portrait and documentary photography techniques to capture memorable moments that include the bride and groom as well as their families. This type of photography may also include the day leading up to the ceremony.

Camera Equipment

Professional wedding photographers need the best equipment.

A full-frame DSLR, or mirrorless camera is required to handle all the events.

You can photograph many different locations and styles. You may have to alter the camera that you use at any moment.

This means that you can work with full-frame sensor sizes and high ISO. It will also be helpful to have great focusing points.

RAW shooting is essential as it will allow you to edit more easily. You will need to be able handle different lenses. A wide range of primes or fast zoom lenses will be required to work with your system.

Clipping Path Service

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Since 2006, we have produced stunning images for print and web. International clients can outsource their production costs to us using our low-cost production process. We will take care of all your worries. To compare our pricing with other customers, you can view it here.

Sometimes unwanted guests end up in your photos. There’s a good chance that someone has gotten in your photos, whether it’s an unidentified photo bomber who is rushing into your scene or an ex you wish to have removed from your album.

“How do I delete a person from my pictures?”

You don’t need to be an expert in photo editing to remove people or objects from images. You don’t need to know anything about Photoshop or any other popular photo editing software. However, it is possible to get some results by simply downloading a few apps on your iPhone.

Adobe PhotoShop Fix

Photoshop Fix is an iPhone tool that helps amateur photographers and everyone else to enhance their iPhone photos using a variety features. Adobe has included a variety of their most popular tools in the app so that you can accomplish many of the same tasks as with the full app.

Adobe Photoshop Fix: Remove a person from a photo on your iPhone

  • Photoshop Fix allows you to remove people from photos
  • PhotoshopFix allows you to import a photo from your Camera Roll into your Photos app.
  • Use the Pen Tool to draw a path around any object or person you wish to remove. When drawing your path, make sure to leave enough space around the subject’s edges for best results.
  • You can transform the path you have just made into a selection by selecting Make Selection from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Fill on the Edit tab. For the best results, ensure you click on the Content aware option in the dialogue box.


This app is a great alternative to Adobe’s interface if you are not familiar with it. It can help you remove objects just as quickly as the Adobe solution.

TouchRetouch lets you remove people from photos using a simple brush. Clone and Selection Tools are also available for editing images on the platform.

TouchRetouch: Steps to remove a person from a photo on your iPhone

  • TouchRetouch allows you to remove people from photos
  • Open TouchRetouch and import the image from your iPhone’s camera roll.
  • Select the output resolution you would like to use for your final photo editing.
  • To select the object you wish to remove, use the Lasso and Brush Tools.
  • Select the Brush and then draw the person you wish to remove. You can draw a continuous line around an object with the Lasso Tool.
  • To remove the object selected, click the Start button at bottom of screen.

Enlight Photofox

This creative editing tool is a clever design that can be used to remove people from images on your iPhone. Enlight Photofox Photo Editor has many useful features such as a Clone Stamp Tool and Healing Brush. It also includes a Patch Tool and other advanced components that you won’t find in other photo editing apps.

Enlight also comes loaded with many layers, special effects and fonts.

Enlight Photofox allows you to remove a person from a photo on your iPhone

  • To remove an object or person from Enlight Photofox
  • Import your image directly from the iPhone Photos app.
  • To access the Patch Tool, go to Tools > Heal > Mode.
  • Place one of the circles over the object that you wish to remove and another over the area you want to duplicate.
  • Tap on the Flatten button to make the object disappear.
  • Tap the Tools tab to experiment with Feathering and Fuse if the copied section doesn’t blend in with the original image.
  • Smoothen the area using the Heal feature until satisfied with your final result.


Snapseed is another app that can be used to remove people from photos on your iPhone. Google’s advanced editing tool offers a wide range of tools for photographers.

Although the app isn’t perfect, it can remove small objects from photos. Snapseed is a great option if there are distant people in your photo that you want to remove.

  • Snapseed allows you to remove a person or object from an image
  • Snapseed allows you to remove people from images.
  • Drag your image into the tool platform using your Camera Roll, and then hit the Editing icon in the lower right corner.
  • Select the Heal Tool.
  • Use your finger to draw the area you wish to remove.
  • To save your photo edit, tap on the Save button